Online typing speed test - is a free site for testing your typing speed. Here you can check how fast you are able to type and increase your speed and accuracy!
To start the test choose the text you want to type(you are able to load your own text), time and measure system (Words-Per-Minute or Characters-Per-Minute) and start touch typing. After you're done, you will see the result, program will show your average speed, maximum speed, accuracy and count mostakes you've made. Also you will see average time it took you to find each character.
Any time you can press "Pause" to make a break, when you are ready to continue - just start typing, pressing the "Continue" button isn't necessary. Also you are able to end the test any time you want to by pressing "End test now".
If spend a lot of time with your computer, you will be surprised how much time you spend on simply typing some text on forums, chats and so on. This makes your typing speed and typing accuracy so important! With Free typing speed tests online you can improve you typing speed online, without downloading any applications on your computer, test your typing speed and accuracy and learn blind typing.

Blind typing

Blind typing is always better! If you don't know where characters are on the keyboard, you always can see on the virtual keyboard. If you don't need this during your typing test, press "Hide keyboard". This way you will have more space for text that you type.

Mistakes during the typing test

The program notifies you each time you make a mistake. Try to make as less mistakes as possible during you typing test, speed is not as important as your accuracy.

Importance of typing speed and accuracy

Fast typing helps to save really a lot of time, blind typing - even more! Typing speed test helps you check your progress.

How to use Free typing speed test online

You can start with the start page. There you can choose the text you wanna type(also you can load it from your computer or copy from the internet), time you wanna spend on typing this text and the measurement system you wanna use to measure your typing speed. After you press "Start", you can get right to the typing.
During the typing you always can make a pause(by pressing "Pause", when you are ready to continue typing the text, it is not necessary to press "Continue", you can start typing right away). Also you are able to end the test at any moment(by pressing "End test now") and start a new typing test (by pressing "Start new typing test" for going to the start page, or by using the "new typing test" form on the right side of the page).
The typing speed test program always shows you during the typing:
- time left for typing;
- speed during the whole test;
- current speed for a few last seconds of typing
- number of mistakes you made during current test.
When one finishes one's typing speed test, one will be taken to the result page. There will be available:
- average speed during the whole typing speed test;
- maximum speed you've reached;
- your typing accuracy during the test;
- number of mistakes you've made during the typing test;
- average time it takes you to find each character on keyboard in miliseconds.

About the author

My name is Michael and I'm from Ukraine (that's why my English is a bit off, but still way better than your Ukrainian;)). If, for any reason, you want to contact me, my email is I generally made this program for myself to check my typing speed and to improve my blind typing(I probably will improve the program as well, so if you have any recommendations, feel free to tell me). But I'm happy to share it with you.

New test

serve central price there nation avoid effect old return campaign myself from military them buy maybe down individual push economic off sweet show it few short require camera one nation surprised speak away who effort fall software something water maybe you game emotional small research moment job by yes most crime black notion English create eat decision less opportunity pretty act healthy because no myself big moment war no rest relationship her wear may guess at beach detail serve sex both help under plan myself board die understand finally could sex how figure both money company federal it oh cut around television executive ever business alone away plant plan interesting data change ask hundred without in raise why at big hand who reason up heart accident contact my organize college his standard perhaps focus detail social business motion plan degree lot design door argue include president including provide about cell farm speak explain well challenge meet through your three allow 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mostly who top consider light education money dog thank package course once until past hard degree but could people stand powerful because reference early view spring simply military shop stuff whether challenge much tonight even following beyond child discussion country n't learn land however religious family security thing off mention various young society dog beer space after gun side crime corporate boy native west stay recent simple teacher among no whole affect long learn far benefit piece become policy will ago office save other want expect different American apply result power comfortable little service sit before better thinking perform something either show change part right professor remain the create federal detail moment down art least those or yard whose once out down set stay mother or point claim range wide what dark moment during woman education field maintain minute out master particular someone new Mr progress air poor own three bad little like market out research never pilot save others five mind order think before product job buy role station medical can hard like around follow always name good history drug return greatest Congress toward goal though college feel mountain on federal how water figure act war lose run previous at technology month by send all voice reason foot yes sort writer important where weather little more form father federal under pound service financial plan love neither star technology including now bowl according whole about temperature more break approach forget establish fact role nation body ok over identify point himself themselves table receive father candidate early much there good American pay political her always real close house share century beside value really to just walk multiple official third make foreign because receive free into position provide ability particular point Supreme practice study before trial every serious sex patient they best eye six well billion shoulder town game pursue arm worry shadow three thank parent

Time: 0:00

Speed: 0

Current Speed: 0

Mistakes: 0